‘Growing the seeds for lifelong learning’
School Vision
At Grange, everyone matters and our vision is for every child to develop a thirst for learning whilst trying their best in doing so. We believe that to achieve success for all; the building blocks of knowledge and the following will help the seeds for lifelong learning grow:
- Growth mind-set; being determined and resilient
- Respect & Tolerance of others
- Always trying your best
- Never giving up, always in pursuit of excellence
- Gratitude; being grateful for the everyday things in Life
- Empathy; giving to others what you hope to receive
Mission Statement
At Grange Primary School we believe all children are entitled to develop to their fullest potential in a happy, friendly and secure environment in an atmosphere that promotes mutual respect, caring, courtesy and concern for others. It will give the opportunity for each child to develop confidence in themselves.
We will ensure that every child will have equality of educational opportunity in all areas with regard to special educational needs, gender, race and religion. We will strive to encourage all pupils to embrace and accept the diversity of cultures, languages and beliefs within the school, developing a positive partnership between the school and its community.